

Next packages are the approximation, the final price and work amount can be determined after discussing the desired result only. Regardless of the work amount, we select and order domain name (at customer's expense), set up the site for friendly sharing on social media platforms, set up the starter SEO, publish site on hosting server, and we support created digital product.
“One page” package
Landing page or small site with a few pages. This package includes adaptive design development according to customer wishes; possibility of editing the basic page data with the administrative panel. The main purpose of this kind of site is to introduce the user to your service or product, present information in a convenient form and to involve visitors as much as possible. Especially effective with online advertising usage.
starting at 12 000 uah
“Functional“ package
Site with a few pages and an extended set of functions, for example catalog of goods with the possibility of editing data with the administrative panel; detailing for each separate product or service. The informativeness of such resource is much more higher, the user has the opportunity to interact with the page more productively.
starting at 24 000 uah
“Unlimited” package
Unlimited number of pages with unique design; functionality of any complexity and kind; implementation of Telegram notifications; chat-bot; e-cart; placing orders; social media integration; user registration possibility; mailing; extended system of product categories and their characteristics; integration with existing databases; online payment system implementation.
starting at 36 000 uah
  • Multilingual website (localization)
  • Feedback with notifications
  • Social media integration
  • Feedback system with authorization
  • Hostring